Sorry for the delay. When last we left the wacky world of Hogwarts Exposed, Hermione had at long last shown some sign of actually wanting to escape from the clutches of the walking diabolus ex machina that is Damien.
When last we left the godawful excuse for a character pretending to be Hermione Granger in this fic, she'd vanished into thin air. And nothing of value was lost.
I'm not going to say anything stupid and fate-tempting like "how much worse can Hogwarts Exposed get?" I already have a vague idea how much deeper the rabbit hole goes, and indeed that it's not so much a rabbit hole as an eerie glowing pit.
I've not given up. I took a bit of a break because I have to admit this chapter, long and brimming with fail as it is, nearly defeated me. But it hasn't!